Sunday, June 2, 2024

Checking the Paintings

The 17 August will be the opening date for my next exhibition. It's around this time, before an exhibition, that I begin to take a final look at the paintings I've done for the show. I tend to be an endless retoucher to the point that I get the same painting rephotographed a number of times for the record.

Needless to say, I've just retouched all these paintings on the easels and I can say that I don't regret doing so. Since I am a meticulous painter, any and every brush stroke, however small, makes a difference to the final image. Just like a comma or a full stop can alter the rhythm of a literary work. Of course I never completely like the work I've done which is perhaps why I keep going and every time I start a painting I want it to be the best I've ever done. Not completely liking a painting doesn't mean I don't get pleasure from doing the work. There are always passages to savour and this too inspires me to keep going.