Friday, March 29, 2019


Canary, 2018, drypoint, 19.75 x 13.75 cm

This is a drypoint of an image based on a detail from one of my paintings. In the painting the canary was done from a taxidermied model. Much of the ink was left on the plate, with the middle section wiped in the parts I wanted. The dark sections have been deeply inscribed to hold the ink, even though it remained untouched during the wiping process.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

New Moon

New Moon, 2018, oil on linen, 66 x 71.5 cm

This painting is a variation on the moonlight series in that it has the moon appearing faintly in the sky rather than having the full luminosity of moonlight within the darkness. It's fascinating to see the changing light colours, of day into night, and that's what makes dusk so magical. The problem is that it lasts but a short time!