Friday, June 16, 2023

Cloud Paintings Bedroom Installation

Recently I installed a series of cloud paintings I completed in 2004. The original series consisted of 100 small paintings measuring 13.5 x 20.25 cm each. John Constable's small cloud studies were an early influence and inspiration and perhaps years later when I did these paintings it was unconsciously an homage to his achievements.

As is often the case when an art work is multi-panelled, no-one wants to buy the whole set. Some have sold so the series is smaller than it should be. Also, the space available is a factor in how multi-panelled art works are displayed, so in this case I have been limited to installing 27 cloud paintings which completes the amount of art we can hang in our bedroom. 

Needless to say, I was always a little nervous during the hanging of the works because as you can see, the critic and art connoisseur, Alice our cultured cat, sees things in black and white. It's either purrfect or it isn't!!

Installing the cloud studies

The original installation of 100 paintings