Recently I visited the Art Gallery of South Australia to see the Saatchi collection. I didn't expect to see much work that was inspiring but I was surprised. The paintings were a little disappointing, even incompetent, except for a few works, but some of the installations were engaging. Even if you see a handful of works that are good it makes it worth while. I haven't heard of most of these names because they are the new wave of artists Saatchi is collecting. Here are some examples of what was in the gallery.
From top -
Jonathan Wateridge
Jungle Scene With Plane, 2007, oil on canvas
Ged Quinn
The Fall, 2006, oil on linen
Craig Little and Blake Whitehead
It Happened in the Corner, 2007, plaster, wax, foam, hair, clothes
Des Hughes
Endless Endless, 2010, polyester resin, iron powder, fibreglass, plastic wood.